
Announced in São Paulo, this Monday (20th), a survey of the study carried out with the IDC details trends and measures the strength of the Brazilian software sector
The complete numbers of the study "2018 - Brazilian Software Market: Panorama and Trends" were released on Monday (20), during the 8th Annual Conference of ABES (Brazilian Association of Software Companies), in São Paulo (SP). Developed annually by the association, the document uses data from the IDC for the past year to provide a picture of the software market presenting the main trends in the sector. The full study is available at this link.  
Among the highlights, the survey points out that Brazil is in 9th place in the world ranking of software and services, with a market of US$ 18.6 billion (equivalent to about 1.6% of the world total, which revolved around US$ 1 , 14 billion in 2017). The country is very close to the size of the markets of nations such as Holland and Italy, which occupy the 10th and 11th positions, respectively, and slightly behind Australia, 8th placed on the list. In general, all Brazilian indicators had subtle increases from 2016 to 2017, such as the total number of companies operating in the sector - which went from 15,700 to 17,000.
"The year 2017 showed a resumption in the growth of the IT sector in Brazil, after a difficult 2016. As we already disclosed in the first preview of the study, investments in Information Technology in the country grew 4.5% in relation to the previous year. It was the year of the beginning of the recovery that we hope to continue in 2018, with the resumption of investments in technology, which can no longer be postponed. ", says Jorge Sukarie, president of the ABES Board, who presented the study to those present at the entity's event, which brought together some of the leading entrepreneurs and authorities in the sector.
Another interesting data are the characteristics of Brazilian software developers: 49.3% of them are considered micro (that is, with 10 employees or less), 46.2% small (from 10 to 99 employees), 4% medium (between 100 and 500 workers) and only 0.5% large (over 500 employees). "These numbers underscore the importance of promoting incentive and promotion policies for small and medium-sized companies, which are essential for the Brazilian software sector to advance and digitally transform the country," adds Sukarie. Today, the software sector represents 1.9% of the national GDP (Gross Domestic Product).
In addition to mapping all the points related to the reality of the market, the study also points out the trends for 2018. The current projection indicates that the Brazilian information technology market will grow 4.1% in 2018, following trends such as the maturation of technologies connected to the Internet das Coisas - according to IDC, next year, the IoT will move US$ 8 billion in Brazil, US$ 612 million in the domestic market, with 4% of homes already using some type of connected device. Another movement noted is the expansion of the market for tablets and smartphones for the corporate sector (which, in 2018, will have an estimated sales volume of 3.5 million units, or just over US$ 1 billion in Brazil, representing 6% of the total ). Among the different innovations mentioned by the study, which should boost the economy, are Big Data / Analytics, Cognitive / AI, public cloud and multicloud, among others.
About ABES
ABES, Brazilian Association of Software Companies, is the most representative entity in the sector with around 2 thousand associated or associated companies, distributed in 23 Brazilian states and in the Federal District, responsible for the generation of more than 200 thousand direct jobs and a turnover annual turnover of US$ 24 billion per year. The companies associated with ABES represent about 85% of the turnover of the software development and commercialization segment in Brazil.
Since its foundation, on September 9, 1986, the entity has exercised the mission of sectorial representation in the legislative and tax areas, in proposing and guiding policies aimed at strengthening the value chain of the Brazilian Software and Services Industry - IBSS, in defense intellectual property and combating piracy of national or international software and in supporting initiatives to promote research, development, innovation and the development of national software. Access the ABES Portal - or talk to our Relationship Center: (11) 2161-2833.
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