
*By Rodney Repullo

The programation low code is known as low-code development, that is, where the programmer uses a development platform endowed with encapsulated complexities and a visual interface to create software with high productivity, whether to run on the local network, cloud, web or mobile device. It is also available to build applications, automate business processes or perform integrations, with little or no coding effort and no code compilation required.

Programming logic is a knowledge resource that is the center of the software developer's work and guarantees the sequential and logical path to build their systems. In a low code platform, this logic is built by pre-established paths to obtain greater productivity and avoid errors. This allows rapid and standardized application development, which is a need that grows every day.

In the business solution development scenario, before being categorized as low code or no code, these tools were already in another very famous category in the past, which was called RAD (Rapid Application Development), or rapid application development, in literal translation – and used metadata language and encapsulated complexities, with end-user routines in the execution layer to eliminate various tasks during the creation of a software.

And in low code or no code programming, is there programming logic?

To help answer this question, let's go through the definition of the core phases of programming logic:

1 - Programming logic is the technique of linking thoughts together to achieve a certain

objective and can be summarized as the way to write a sequence of steps necessary for a function to be executed by the software.

2 - Logical Sequence it is the set of steps to be performed or followed so that an objective is reached and defines the order in which things must happen within a software routine;

3 - Instructions form the set of rules or norms defined for the performance of a routine or

the use of some action. In computing, they indicate how a computer program should perform an action.

When we talk about a computer program, we must consider a logical sequence of routines that are executed for the completion of a task, which must result in an activity according to a desire or need.

Following logic to simplify things

Low code or no code platforms were born to simplify the development work, without the need for coding and in order to reduce the time spent on creating software. A classic example of an application in code are spreadsheets, where the user enters information so that they perform an operation from a function, which can be sum. The result is offered by the spreadsheet without the user having any programming effort so that it can offer the expected result. In this case, even without the use of programming code by the user, it follows a mathematical logic to deliver the final sum.

The logic of it all

As low code and no code development tools are on the rise, we can ask if the programmer today needs to have notions of programming logic to carry out their work. The answer is yes. Of course it is (laughs).

Programming logic will always be needed anyway, because the intelligence the developer needs to get things done is the same. The difference is in the amount of code that he will use for this, since the free code tools take care of this work for him.

Programming logic can be summarized in knowing what needs to be done, how and why, and it will always be a requirement for any developer's work, whether he is an advanced professional or a beginner. Knowing what to do is what defines the work of systems programming. What changes, in fact, is the “how can we do this fast”, and this will always follow a logic for the thing, in the end, to work well.

Programming logic is for all languages. now and in the future

Regardless of the choice of development model – high code – low code – no code – it is certain that the programming logic will pass through all programming languages. Understanding how to apply programming logic will be useful for the developer at any stage of his professional life, because – no matter the tool or language chosen – he will have the ability to deliver any application working correctly in all technological environments. The mistakes and successes are part of this journey.

Appreciation of the low code programmer

The low code programmer, for having his development tasks easier, has the possibility of getting involved much more in the business area and design (project/analysis) of the solutions and removes from him the anchor that holds him to a certain language and leaves him with a lot of more capacity to move through different technologies due to the high knowledge of business and design of solutions that it comes to have.

Every low code platform has a much lower learning curve than traditional languages, which makes this transit between different technologies much easier.

* Rodney Repullo, CEO of Magic Software Brazil.

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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