
*by Ricardo Recchi, Hevandro Ferreira and Gerardo Wisosky

Today, we already find a series of public services available digitally, but it is noticeable that the integration between them is still very flawed, that is, there is an electronic bureaucratization. This happens due to the platform implementation process, which is not seen with the possibility of processing and sharing information between public spheres. 

This scenario intensifies the need to integrate systems with different public agencies, especially when it comes to important spheres of government, such as health, education and social assistance, thus promoting complete and traceable information. For example, if there is a patient who goes through a health unit and is also a student of the municipal school network or if his family belongs to a social assistance program. 

One of the challenges to implement solutions that address each of the singularities of public management is related to budgets. With different requirements, each agency ends up making its platform acquisitions without having a holistic view of the processes, involving integration and communication with other sectors. The result of this singular model is just the digitization of a process that was carried out in the physical environment, that is, without intelligence and with a response time similar to that practiced previously, without integrated information. 

When we talk about reducing bureaucracy in public administration, it requires a review of work processes and adaptations in order to gain time and agility in this information and integration. In this sense, for the information to be tracked in a simple way, it is necessary to invest in GRP (Government Resource Planning) platforms. Unlike ERPs (Enterprise Resource Planning), which serve private economy companies, GRPs are suitable for public and open economy companies, as they contemplate strictly legalistic processes and requirements, whether from municipalities, states, audit courts, ministries public or issues related to the Union. 

Another aspect of the integrated, traceable platform with information without duplicate records is the possibility of implementing the so-called Smart Cities, which are made up of a series of social and geopolitical indicators managed by different public spheres. That is, it is a topic that involves the management and traceability of all types of information about the surroundings and who inhabits it, and a platform that integrates this data is really needed. 

If, on the one hand, GRP platform development teams are focused on contemplating the various integrations between public spheres and their legal issues, there is also a need to embrace technological evolution. It is at this point that low-code software becomes an ally, that is, through Artificial Intelligence, it automates stages of the software creation process, in addition to improving the learning curve of analysts and developers, which brings a greater assurance on unique and traceable management platforms. 

We are clear that, with the GRP, it is possible to have information traceability and better planning of public services, but there is still a great culture in public management of making specific contracts for its platforms and different suppliers, which makes it difficult to connect bodies and gives the government partial information. 

The great challenge we pose for the future of Brazil is for municipal, state and federal governments to look at contracting and searching for unique platforms or those that can be integrated so that, in this way, it is possible to have a broad and complete view of information, which will benefit the entire chain, from internal processes to the population.

*Ricardo Recchi is country manager for GeneXus Brazil, Portugal and Cape Verde. The company is part of the Globant Group and is a pioneer in low-code platforms that simplify software development and evolution through automation. 

*Hevandro Ferreira is Managing Partner of Grupo Assessor, a company that provides technology solutions for public management. 

*Gerardo Wisosky is CEO of Socium Partner Group, a company specializing in technology services and official GeneXus distributor.

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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