
* Bruno Guerra

According to the latest Qlik research, “Data Literacy: The Evolution of Reskilling”89% from C-Level Executives expect their team members to explain how the data was used to base their decisions. On the other hand, only 11% of employees are fully confident in their ability to read, analyze, work with, and communicate with data.

As these percentages show, there is a gap significant amount of expectations and capacity that urgently needs to be diminished so that strategies for Business Intelligence (BI) evolve in companies.

a program of Data Literacy (data literacy) should contribute to overcome what has been practiced for so long in the business environment; the centralization and ownership of data and its analysis in the hands of a few specialists, and for this significant change, it is necessary to break the organizational silos.

Ongoing, hands-on training Data Literacy aims to increase employee confidence and capabilities to ask the right questions, identify trends, generate insights and will democratize data-driven decision making across the organization.  

There are different ways to provide this type of training such as online courses, specialized face-to-face training in company, internal hackathons, among other activities.

Conducting a prior assessment of employees helps to identify the current level of data literacy of people and define the selection process for the first to be trained, the activities and stages of the program. Teams need to be sharp and integrated for a much faster pace of BI processes, without losing focus and assertiveness.

a program of Data Literacy helps to break with traditional practices and to implement a new era in data analysis, based on Active Intelligence, which can be understood as a new paradigm created to generate, in the present moment, insights on every aspect of the business, from data updated in real time, combining current and historical information, consolidated from different sources.

This new era of BI based on the concept of Active Intelligence is associated with the possibility of automating processes, issuing alerts and suggesting actions to be taken based on certain conditions identified after data collection.

Companies that are able to train their employees in a Data Literacy program, organize data and make decisions through an Active Intelligence strategy, are reaping significant financial and operational benefits.

According to IDC, among the top three priorities on the CIO's 2022 agenda, security was named by 60% of respondents, cloud by 41% and Big Data/Business Intelligence analytics by 35%. In order to have more competitiveness, profitability and agility, BI needs to evolve in companies and needs to be increasingly disseminated as a priority.

*Bruno Guerra is CEO of IN – Business Intelligence

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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