
*By Jean Paul Vieira

I participate in many corporate events as a speaker, and also as a spectator, and what I have noticed in this contact with the market is the constant concern with the consumer experience in e-commerce, a business that has been growing exponentially in recent years.

Data from Neotrust show that digital commerce moved around 39.6 billion reais in the first months of 2022 alone, which indicates that more and more people are becoming virtual buyers.

When looking at B2B growth is also maintained. In the 2021 Business to Business (B2B) Evolution Report, released by Amazon Business, in 2021, 85% of buyers stated that the participation of companies in the digital environment has grown and 91% of professionals reported that the majority are opting for online purchases -line.

But, many companies are still adapting to this reality, and studying this online scenario that becomes increasingly competitive. According to Gartner, by 2026, 65% of B2B sales organizations will transition from data-driven to data-driven decision making, using technology that unites workflow, data and analytics.

Accompanying this movement, it becomes evident how crucial it is to search for innovative tools and resources that can provide us managers with a greater understanding of the actions of our target audience, visualizing market movements and carrying out all business management based on true and reliable information.

In a scenario of such rapid changes, as is what happens in e-commerce today, using technology to collect data, crossing important information for business knowledge, is what we call data-driven management.

data driven

According to a study by the Harvard Business Review magazine, carried out with a thousand companies on the Fortune list, the implementation of a data driven culture reduced costs by approximately 48.8% of the evaluated businesses. Those insights provided by data crossing platforms are important in the preparation and creation of marketing strategies that will be better used in the current scenario of the company and the sector in which the business operates.

In this sense, actions such as monitoring the competition and having a database and insights that facilitate the understanding of the business itself, can be important for those who carry out business management in an online environment.

As important as investing in technology to obtain this data is knowing how to “drive” resources and software, understanding in practice how these technological solutions can bring greater competitiveness, efficiency and growth to any business.


Resources such as CRM - technology for managing customer relationships - or even ERP - business management platform - enable access to data, and offer a privileged and efficient view of a large volume of information, often allowing data to be crossed strategically, helping managers in decision-making.

Decision making & customer experience 

If, on the one hand, the Data Driven culture enables us to work with the collection of a large volume of data that, when analyzed and interpreted, become highly relevant information, we can also say that this information collaborates so that we can be more assertive in serving our customers. .

A justification that explains the growth of B2B in e-commerce, since the choice of this public is linked to benefits such as immediate support and personalized support in a practical and accessible way.

Therefore, the experience of companies that buy with our companies can be enhanced with technology and data driven, since this union makes it more feasible to work with an increasingly diverse and innovative portfolio within today's needs.

By understanding more about my client, I am more assertive. By being more assertive, I am also able to sell more. A perception that, although obvious to many, is extremely current and necessary. This is an opportunity gap that calls for relationships and trust, and that opens up a window of possibilities worldwide. After all, isn't that what the online world proposes to us?

Jean Paul Vieira, Director of Marketing and Product at Senior Sistemas

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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