
Study identified the needs and difficulties of managers of 100 companies interviewed

ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies launched in partnership with the International Data Corporation (IDC Brasil) the Work Force study, which heard 100 executives with influence or decision-making power in the hiring and management of the IT department's workforce, of Brazilian companies with at least 100 employees. The objective was to identify the needs and difficulties of hiring professionals involved in one or more activities related to IT services, such as applications/applications, information security, IT infrastructure, cloud, technical support, networks/systems, IoT (Internet of Things), data science, digital transformation and Artificial Intelligence (AI). 

According to Fábio Martinelli, Software and Cloud Computing Program Leader at IDC, competition for qualified professionals creates a challenge in talent retention. “The IT sector has grown in terms of importance in companies' growth strategies. However, with the technological acceleration and the need for greater alignment with the business, the gap of professionals with technical and behavioral qualification required by companies is accentuated”, he declared.

The hiring in IT, according to Martinelli, mostly use more than one source of search for employees. “Recruitment by the company's HR and employee referral stand out as the most used sources. On the other hand, the acquisitions of new technologies and the high competition for qualified professionals make contracting outsourced services an attractive alternative”, he added.

Check out the highlights of the study (the download full survey can be done on the ABES website):

  • The heating up of the market is the main motivator for the reduction of positions in IT, causing the high demand for technically qualified professionals to make the hiring market even more competitive.
  • The focus on acquiring new technologies influences the search for external professionals. However, the high market demand added to the internal challenges of culture and people management make it difficult to retain professionals. There is a marked difficulty in hiring security, development and cloud profiles, which ends up driving the outsourcing of these functions.
  • The loss of agility and the difficulty to innovate are the main impacts caused by the skills gap of IT professionals. The main gaps today they align with strategic IT priorities to meet the demands of the business. And 78% of the analyzed companies stated that they had contracted managed services or professional IT services to cover existing technical skills gaps.
  • Almost 40% of companies have positions available in IT and this is accentuated in large companies. Regarding hiring, companies have a lean IT area and are willing to compose a team made up of professionals at different times in their careers. 77% of the companies interviewed are willing/prepared to hire young people in social inclusion programs (this percentage grows to 87% among medium-sized companies); 87% companies are willing/prepared to hire young apprentices; and 67% of companies are ready/willing to hire engineers/IT specialists over 50 years old.
  • Most companies have more than one source to search for professionals, and the referral process has great influence. Among the sources most used by organizations in the search for IT professionals, 84% of companies carry out internal processes for recruitment and selection (the number rises to 91% when we talk about medium-sized companies).
  • Among the IT employee hiring models most used by companies, medium-sized companies have a greater preference for the CLT model (91%) and less for the PJ model (38%) when compared to large companies (84% and 45%, respectively).
  • Companies prefer to establish partnerships to provide training for their workforce.

RH Tech platform, recently launched by ABES, supports talent development        
Despite the growth of the IT market (Brazil is in the tenth position in this investment ranking, with US$ 45.7 billion invested, being the leader of the segment in Latin America), there is a shortage of skilled labor in the area, which must last a few years. In this context, ABES launched the platform HR Tech, which aims to support the development of talent through the dissemination of courses from our partners, update on employability in technology and promote discussions on career management, team development, talent retention, hybrid work model, among others. other themes.

The RH Tech platform is composed of a Technological Education Hub (online catalog with information on courses offered by ABES member companies, institutes, NGOs, among other educational institutions), by a Job Hub (with jobs for digital transformation and which aims to attract talent), and also provides the HR Tech Overview (which offers statistical data on employability in Digital Transformation) and the ABES/IDC Workforce Study (with exclusive information about the challenges organizations face in attracting and retaining talent in the areas of technology).

About ABES           
ABES (Brazilian Association of Software Companies) aims to contribute to the construction of a more digital and less unequal Brazil, in which information technology plays a fundamental role in the democratization of knowledge and the creation of new opportunities for all. In this sense, it aims to ensure a business environment conducive to innovation, ethical, dynamic, sustainable and globally competitive, always in line with its mission of connecting, guiding, protecting and developing the Brazilian information technology market.

Currently, ABES represents approximately 2 thousand companies, which total about 85% of the revenue of the software and services segment in Brazil, distributed in 24 Brazilian states and in the Federal District, responsible for the generation of more than 210 thousand direct jobs and an annual revenue of the order of R$ 80 billion in 2020.

With the objective of stimulating the participation of associates in the entity's projects and in the direction of the Brazilian software and services industry, ABES maintains Committees, which are divided into Working Groups, for the discussion of important topics for the sector (such as Artificial Intelligence , LGPD, Information Security, Future of Work, Regulatory Frameworks and tax issues), presentation of proposals and action plans.

In March of this year, ABES joined the United Nations Global Compact Network Brazil, whose goal is to mobilize the business community in the adoption and promotion of good corporate practices, with a commitment to support 9 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN, through the Mobilization for Inequality Reduction and the initiative An Ethical Company. The Global Compact platform includes the monitoring of public commitments already disclosed by companies related to sustainability and the production of knowledge on progress towards the SDGs.

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