
*By Rodrigo Santos

“Backward justice is not justice, but qualified and manifest injustice”, these were the words used by lawyer, politician and journalist, Rui Barbosa. The phrase is still current in the middle of 2021, and we need to emphasize the importance of technological advances in the national legal area, with the objective of providing Brazilians with a more advanced and less time-consuming system, from the point of view of processing the process.

Artificial Intelligence arrives to provide more speed in the stages of the process, in a traditionalist system that is still very attached to paper. Brazilian Courts began to adopt this technological solution to make the Judiciary faster, providing greater stability and legal security.

Currently, the volume of technology applied in the Brazilian Judiciary is very large and all this change began in the beginning of 2000, in the well-known first wave of digital transformation of Justice. One of the pioneers in the market, the software company Softplan helped to build the first fully digital processes, fully processed online and with the application made by the lawyer in the electronic system. This model built in Brazil, today, serves as a reference for other countries in Latin America that follow a completely analogical Justice and without integrations.

The applied artificial intelligence reduces the waiting time and the volume of labor in Justice. In São Paulo, for example, a digital process moves up to 7 times faster than a physical process. Linked to all of this, we also have an importance with the environment, with greater savings in paper and costs.

A technology with this level of robustness is important for the automation of activities that are manual and repetitive, that is, that do not involve the application of legal knowledge, such as filling in process headers, replacing several hours of work with just one click on a computer.
Many people think that artificial intelligence can replace humans, but in Justice, it came to support, even becoming a key factor in promoting a second wave of digital transformation in Justice. Today, thanks to this technology applied at the SAJ, we have discovered nearly 20 thousand new complaints linked to the Maria da Penha Law that were wrongly classified by a human. It was possible to repair and ensure adequate protection for these thousands of women.

According to the research report “Technology Applied to the Management of Conflicts in the Scope of the Brazilian Judiciary Power”, produced by the Center for Innovation, Administration and Research of the Judiciary of the Getúlio Vargas Foundation, currently, half of the Brazilian Courts have some artificial intelligence project ongoing, in various phases of execution and focusing on current challenges, such as the automatic transcription of audios, based on recordings by the Public Prosecutors, in addition to the Science of Statistical Data for certain cases, such as the automatic links to themes of precedents that have already been a solution defined by the Superior Courts. Through SAJ, Softplan's platform specialized in the Justice ecosystem, we have seen and developed more and more intelligent solutions with the application of Data Science, with successful results that make our Justice even faster and more assertive.

* Rodrigo Santos – Executive Director of Softplan's Justice Unit.

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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