
Forum will promote debates around the population's access to the health system. Partnership with health hub is linked to promoting innovation in the sector

To engage the health sector with more innovation and information technology, in addition to continuing with the purpose of building a more digital and less unequal country, ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies is now a supporter of the FIS (Forum Inovação Saúde). Institutional support aims to promote the dissemination of events and forum initiatives to the entire base of the association. In addition, it has just signed a partnership with the Health Innova Hub Saúde for the ABES Startup Internship Program, which aims to make available to startups linked to partners, the services offered by ABES to its associates.

The initiative has as its central idea to be a great meeting point for leaders, where the entire sector connects and discusses problems related to the entire health ecosystem, trying to create consensus and proposing solutions. “This institutional support will certainly help the health sector a lot through digital connection and transformation, which ends up improving the population's access to the health system. With the help of ABES, we intend to encourage discussion for an ever better health system and reach our final goal, which is to connect to transform ”, explains Rodrigo Vilar, FIS CEO.

For Rodolfo Fücher, president of ABES, encouraging innovation in the health sector is one of the most important agendas of society in general. “We are committed to ensuring an environment conducive to innovation in the health sector, in which technology plays a key role in discovering new ways to improve the quality of health in Brazil, in line with our purpose of contributing to the construction of a digital Brazil and less uneven. Support for FIS and partnership with Health Innova Hub Saúde are essential to achieve this goal ”, he adds.

The Internship Program aims to help emerging companies, which use technology intensively and wish to operate or expand their activities to overcome the complexities present in the market, making available to the program participants the association's 35 years of experience in the legal, regulatory, and tax areas and marketing. The program lasts six months and provides all these services at no cost to startups.

“A great honor for the Health Innova Hub to carry out this partnership with ABES, which strengthens our commitment to the importance of technology in the health area”, points out Fernando Cembranelli, CEO of the Health Innova Hub.

For startups that aim to generate innovation in addition to developing in the health sector, this is the opportunity to have access not only to services and research offered by ABES, but also to partnerships and possible commercial agreements. To find out more details about the ABES Internship Program, and the services available, access: .

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