
Participants will have free access, for a period of six months, to the Association's services and experience in the legal, regulatory, tax and marketing areas


 ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies announces partnership with BrazilLAB, an innovation hub that accelerates solutions and connects entrepreneurs with public authorities. The partnership is part of the ABES Startup Internship Program with the objective of making available to startups linked to BrazilLAB, the services offered by ABES to its members, free of charge for six months, such as legal, tax, labor and regulatory advice, working groups in the most varied themes, market data, as well as networking and a complete complaince structure, essential for those who interact with public agencies.


According to Jamile Sabatini Marques, Director of Innovation and Promotion at ABES, the initiative aims to strengthen entrepreneurship and attract talent to the sector. “The partnership with incubators, accelerators and investment funds allows us to identify startups that need the services that we already offer to members. We want to contribute more and more to the competitiveness of companies and boost the national technology market ”.


The objective of the action is to help emerging companies, which use technology intensively and wish to operate or expand their activities, to overcome the complexities present in the market, making available to the program participants the more than 30 years of experience of the association in the legal areas, regulatory, tax and marketing. The program lasts six months and provides all these services at no cost to startups.


Rodolfo Fücher, president of ABES, adds: “Many start-ups need support and encouragement. We want to encourage entrepreneurship in Brazil and facilitate access to information and structure, through a network of services essential to the success of a startup ”. For him, the partnership with BrazilLAB is fundamental for the purpose of the entity. “We want to expand our scope to Brazilian companies that focus on the public sector and bring more innovation to the segment, after all one of our pillars is to contribute to the construction of a more digital and less unequal Brazil and this partnership is one of the ways to achieve that goal ”.

For startups that aim to generate innovation for public management and operate in BrazilLAB programs, this is the opportunity to have access not only to services and research offered by ABES, but also to partnerships and possible commercial agreements. “The partnership between BrazilLAB and ABES is very important and strategic for advancing the performance of GovTechs in Brazil. The agenda starts to gain even more relevance with the support of an organization that has been operating for over 30 years promoting and strengthening Software companies in the country. We are sure that this union will open many doors for the network's startups and will be an important support point for the advancement of the GovTech ecosystem in Brazil ”, explains Guilherme Dominguez, co-founder and director of BrazilLAB's acceleration program.


To find out more details about the ABES Internship Program, and the services available, access:

About ABES

ABES, Brazilian Association of Software Companies, aims to contribute to the construction of a more digital and less unequal Brazil, in which information technology plays a fundamental role in the democratization of knowledge and the creation of new opportunities for all. In this sense, it aims to ensure a business environment conducive to innovation, ethical, sustainable, dynamic and globally competitive, always aligned with its mission of connecting, guiding, protecting and developing the Brazilian information technology market.

Since its foundation in September 1986, ABES has sought to be relevant to its associates and a national and international reference in the technology sector. Currently, the entity represents approximately 2 thousand companies, which total about 85% of the revenue of the software and services segment in Brazil, distributed in 22 Brazilian states and the Federal District, responsible for the generation of more than 208 thousand direct jobs and an annual revenue around 63.7 billion in 2019.

Access the ABES Portal - or speak to the Relationship Center: +55 (11) 2161-2833.

ABES - Press contacts:

Weber Shandwick Brasil -

Paula Boracini - +55 (11) 98415-0314

Fernanda Araujo - +55 (11) 97205-7806

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