
Digital business: a new architecture

* By Márcio Arbex The market demand for faster and more effective decision-making has created a new digital business model capable of offering new ways for companies to interact with each other and with their customers - and reach ...

Carnival and advances in technology

* By Luiz Egreja Technology has never been more present in our lives. Still, the truth is that concepts like human-machine connection, realistic simulation, Artificial Intelligence and 3D experiences, ...

Driving the future of smart cities with IoT

* By Antonio Brito 10 years ago, who could have imagined that small sensors would make a great idea like smart cities even bigger? The concept of smart cities has been around for a decade and has always been related to ...

Paperless: Money in paper money comes to an end

* By Leo Monte and Thiago Saldanha Paper money exists and resists ... But until when? Analyzing the evolution of the payment means market in recent years, it is possible to see that the segment has been going through a process of ...

Digital City: what to expect?

13/801/2020 * By Sergio Henrique Diniz The concept of Digital Cities may sound futuristic, but it is more present in our reality than we imagine. In them, technology is deeply and completely integrated into public management, ...

Banks 4.0: the future of financial institutions

* By Odilon Costa Considering the impasses of the country's economy in the most recent cycle, there was an increase in expenses with technology, which rose from R$ 13.2 billion to R$ 13.9 billion. Investments, in turn, remained at the same ...

LGPD: far beyond software

* By Thiago Saldanha "Data is the new oil in the business world". Who never heard this new jargon of modern times, let the first stone be thrown. Database now has value, as it is considered the ...

About Spiders and Digital Phenotypes

By Cassio Pantaleoni * "From a fish's point of view, a lake surrounded by land is an island." - Richard Dawkins. Why we interact in the digital environment the way we interact, substantiating it, plotting it, observing it and, above all, ...

I grew up! And now, who can hold me?

* By Ricardo Lima Analyzing and comparing the behavior of generations of consumers is not simple. What will be the distribution channels? What and how will they consume insurance products and services? ...

Main operational challenges for midsize industries

By Rodney Repullo * In manufacturing, people connect with processes and machines to produce the best product possible. For this to work and ensure an uninterrupted supply chain and efficient and smooth production, the ...

Entrepreneur, how is your retirement planning?

By Milena Sanches Tayano dos Santos * When we talk about retirement due to contribution time, the monthly amount for the National Social Security Institute (INSS) comes to mind, which is discounted every month in ...

LGPD arrives to implement a new organizational culture

* By Gustavo Mendes Every company of any size, whether public or private, has one or more databases with information about its customers and employees. This data is very valuable and, consequently, targeted by ...

Facing the digital storm

By Rodney Repullo * Business leaders take over after a lot of effort. However, when they reach the "top", it is very fragile in the face of the enormous challenges that arise, with turbulences that the ...

Is Brazil committed to the 4th Industrial Revolution?

By Werter Padilha * The 4th Industrial Revolution is underway in the world. And I believe that for Brazilian companies in the sector there is no option: it is essential to invest in the modernization of management, of ...

Customer wants success in relationship with brands

By Fabio Costa * On July 16, 2019, the platform “Não Me Perturbe” was launched, created by telephone operators as determined by the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel). Through the website, the ...

Experience makers: make experience your business

By Federico Grosso * I opened this year's Adobe Experience House, making the relationship between experiences and emotions. I bet that for those who are already parents, the day of the birth of their children is a moment that they keep with ...

Intelligence focused on digital transformation

By Marcelo Coletta * Those who work with technology have certainly had the impression that things are changing more and more quickly. For 80% of the more than 1,200 professionals and executives who participated in Perform Brasil 2018, the largest ...