
How to avoid hacking and Phishing attacks

* By Roberto Gallo Hacker attacks have become increasingly common nowadays, not only due to the digitization of companies, but also due to the increase in users on the network as a result of ...

Positioning HR against disinformation in the pandemic

* By Tato Athanase The people management area must assume a strategic and socially responsible role to combat fake news during the crisis. In the current crisis coping scenario, we are bombarded by ...

Small business has 5 billion reais

Capillarity of financing, thanks to the FGI / BNDES guarantee for micro, small and medium-sized companies, eliminates obstacles and unlocks credit By Francisco Camargo * Although the laws in force in Brazil support smaller companies, there are ...

The financial sector revolution in Brazil

* By Leo Monte We live in a crucial moment for the Brazilian financial market, which mainly goes through two important systems being implemented in the country: the PIX, instant payment system that will allow ...

Technological innovation in Brazil has not been quarantined

* By Werter Padilha It is a consensus among all of us that our Brazil has great challenges due to the negative impacts that this pandemic has brought to our economy, such as the generation of jobs and income. Economic measures, ...

Is connectivity in the field a close reality?

* By Vitor Knop Digital agriculture can revolutionize the work of rural producers. Formed by different operating systems, sensors, innovative machinery and diverse equipment, it will automate and optimize the life of those who work in the field ....

Why is accurate costing essential for manufacturing?

* By Rodney Repullo Correct (accurate) cost is one of the crucial processes for manufacturing companies because it allows them to properly define the selling price of a product, analyze profit margins, determine the ideal product mix for ...

Supply chains of the future

* By Marcelo Spaziani By 2022, it is expected that more than 176 million people in Latin America will buy goods and services online, and that retail sales in the region will reach US $ 1.35 trillion * 2.35 trillion *. And that need ...

The journey to LGPD compliance

* By Ricardo Recchi Faced with the need to protect citizens 'information and other countries' regulatory laws on data, in August 2018, the General Law of ...

Four points of attention for advances in cybersecurity

* By Flávio Silva The year 2020 marks the end of the decade-long cycle. In recent years, a lot has changed from a technological point of view. The way society in general relates to technology has become an intrinsic part of life ...

A new era of HR concerns and care

* By Robson Campos Even though we did not want to, we entered a new era of world unity. As a result of the coronavirus, we live a moment of increased attention, care for the other, new meticulous rules of hygiene, contact ...

Coronavirus and digitalization in business

* By Eduardo Almeida The global advance of the coronavirus has caused a rupture in the traditional way of producing in the corporate world. If in the early 2000s companies were concerned with the advancement of the internet, it is ...

Artificial intelligence and the role of governments

* By Fabio Rua I have just put a reticence in the book “Artificial Intelligence: how robots are changing the world, the way we love, relate, work and live”. Its author, Kai-fu Lee (Chinese), is ...