Hub de Educação Tecnológica RH TECH

Basic Course of Biometry


Basic Biometrics Course is an initiative of BioPass ID, platform Biometrics as a Service, which aims to disseminate knowledge about biometric identification technologies and their applications in the area of information security.

in the course free you will see the following subjects:

  • * Introduction to Biometrics;
  • * Concepts and particularities about Biometrics: Access Controls;
  • * Categories of Biometrics and Biometric Traits;
  • * Biometric Traits: Fingerprint;
  • * Biometric traits: Face;
  • * Biometric Traits: Iris;
  • * Biometric traits: Palm print;
  • * Biometric Traits: Ear and Voice;
  • * Biometric Traits: Signature;
  • * Multibiometrics;
  • * Identification systems;
  • * AFIS System (Automated Fingerprint Identification System);
  • * ABIS System (Automatic Biometric Identification System).

Understand why facial recognition and fingerprint recognition systems have become so popular and learn about biometrics technologies that promise even better results in the near future such as iris recognition.

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