Estudos sobre Mercado e o Futuro do Trabalho RH Tech

On this page of the RH Tech Platform, we have gathered several studies that indicate current and future trends in the labor market, new careers, perspectives for those looking for a job, youth behavior and much more. Stay up-to-date with the news and be more prepared to achieve your professional goals, to plan your company's strategy and contribute to the construction of a Digital Brazil, Less Desigual. Enjoy!

ABES / IDC Study

The challenges of organizations in attracting and retaining talent in the areas of technology.

Year: 2022
Source: ABES / IDC


Young Power’s Perceptions and Expectations about the Learning Law

Research on the perceptions and visions of young powerhouses in the city of São Paulo and their expectations for professional insertion and first employment, especially with regard to professional learning programs.

Year: 2024
Source: Powerful Youth

The Future of Jobs Report 2023

The Future of Jobs Report 2023

The Future of Jobs 2023 Report explores how jobs and skills will evolve over the next five years.

Year: 2023
Source: World Economic Forum

Juventudes Potentes!

Powerful Youths!

Access the collection of studies, surveys and mapping carried out by Juventudes Potentes on the labor market and youth profiles.

Relatório de Pesquisa Instituto Reciclar e Centro de Integração Empresa-Escola (CIEE)

Recycling Institute Research Report and Business-School Integration Center (CIEE)

Mapping of the skills and abilities of young people at the beginning of their careers considered the most important by companies for their hiring and professional development.

Year: 2023
Source: CIEE and Recycle Institute

Productive Inclusion of Young People with Secondary and Technical Education: Experiences of Those Who Hire

Mapping that aims to understand the perceptions of companies hiring high school and technical-professional graduates.

Year: 2023
Source: Roberto Marinho Foundation and partners

The future of the world of work for Brazilian youth

The study discusses the exclusion of young people from the labor market and points out inclusion strategies.

Year: 2023
Source: Itaú Education and Work and partners


This is a comprehensive global survey of up-and-coming tech talent conducted by Generation, covering eight countries: Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, India, Mexico, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Year: 2023
Source: generation

People and work in 2023: A view of the global workforce

This research provides essential information about the attitudes, aspirations and needs of 32,612 workers in 17 countries, including 8,613 working exclusively in the gig economy.

Year: 2022
Source: ADP Research Institute®

Emerging Professions in the Digital Age

This study about Emerging Professions in the Digital Age takes into account trends in digital transformation and the country's environmental recovery.

Year: 2021
Source: SENAI and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH