Hub de Educação Tecnológica RH TECH

Career in Focus


An online Professional Qualification course for young people between 16 and 24 years old, who are looking for their first job, with pre-recorded classes, available on the WhatsApp platform. The format allows students to access them via cell phone and at a time of their choosing. The course is free, aimed at young people in situations of socioeconomic vulnerability, is part of the QP na Web project, by Liga Solidária, and is funded by the Kondor Foundation.

Throughout the training, young people will be able to simulate the necessary steps, from preparing their CV to a job interview and, subsequently, what to do to maintain and progress in their career. The course aims to provide an awakening to the technical and socio-emotional skills necessary to obtain a position in the market.

The course has 400 places and classes will run until September 15th. Registration can now be done via an online form (

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