Portal presents the steps that the public agent needs to follow to carry out a hiring process for innovative solutions
The Federal Court of Auditors (TCU), the Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development (ABDI) and the Ministry of Economy, with the support of the Tellus Institute, launched, this Monday (21), the first platform for Public Procurement for Innovation in Brazil (CPIN). The instrument will help managers of all spheres in the process of acquiring innovative solutions in the public sector.
At the event, which took place at the Ministry of Economy, Bruno Portela, Secretary of Innovation and Micro and Small Companies of the Ministry of Economy, said that the tool will bring encouragement and legal security to public managers. Portela congratulated the project partners. “The synergy between ABDI and TCU to deliver an innovative solution for the country was very strong. Thanks to Igor Calvet (president of ABDI) for accepting this challenge; to TCU, which advances in the innovation agenda; and the Tellus Institute”, said.
According to Calvet, in addition to providing legal certainty and information for public managers, the tool will help boost innovation, ensuring a good cost-benefit ratio for the government and the Brazilian productive sector, as it mobilizes companies to develop innovative products and technologies . “We are building several milestones, projects, which are strengthening the country's innovation ecosystem. Our objective at ABDI is to disseminate technology, specifically, for the digital transformation of the industry”, he stated.
The general secretary of the Presidency of the TCU, Frederico Carvalho, said that the platform fills a technical gap and lack of information on public procurement. And it contributes to stimulating a culture of innovation through public procurement. “It encourages managers to seek innovative solutions through public procurement. The platform is a fundamental contribution to fostering Brazilian innovation”.
The economist from the Institute of Applied Economic Research (Ipea), André Rauen, also present at the launch event, stated that public purchases represent 9.2% of GDP, which meant, in 2019, 710 billion reais. “We are talking about a strong volume. The State can stimulate scientific development and we can take advantage of this purchasing power to innovate. We have all the necessary tools to make public purchases of innovation, allowing the Administration to buy more efficiently”, he declared.
hiring journey
The central element of the Platform is the Public Hiring Journey for Innovation, a visual scheme organized in stages that reflects the steps that the public agent needs to follow to carry out a hiring process for innovation. The journey consists of two tracks: Planning Track and Instrument Track.
The Planning Trail shows the steps common to all types of public contracting and starts from mapping the problem to defining the contracting instrument. It serves to help managers strategically plan their public contracts, providing content and materials related to the theme of each stage of the planning process.
The Instrument Trail helps the user to define the contracting instrument that will be used to carry out the innovation acquisition. This is one of the most challenging stages for the manager, since, in addition to demanding a deep knowledge of the problem that is sought to be solved with the hiring, it also requires knowledge of all the available hiring modalities so that it is possible to select which is the most appropriate. the situation.
In this sense, two functionalities were also developed: the Contracting Instrument Quiz and the Contracting Instrument Analysis Matrix. The Quiz is an interactive mechanism that provides a series of questions that help the manager in decision making. It does not offer a correct alternative, but it indicates possible paths and facilitates the user's choice.
The Matrix is a table with information on the hiring instruments for innovation available in the legal framework and allows the manager to carry out a comparative analysis in an easier and faster way. The aim is to reinforce that, in most cases, there may not be a single instrument that is the most suitable for the situation and that the choice will need a deeper analysis.
The Platform also has a curatorship of content related to public procurement for innovation organized in a Virtual Library. In this space, the user will be able to access links and documents in different formats, including those loaded in the steps of the platform's tracks.
According to Germano Guimarães, from the Tellus Institute, the platform is a collaborative process. “We involved 16 institutions, 30 actors from civil society, managers and the private sector. And, with use, we collect good practices and insert them into the platform as success stories, to inspire other managers”.