
Gartner projections indicate that the country could become the fourth largest IT market in the world

The South African market is demanding technologies that Brazil can supply and the fact that the country is already a commercial partner and signatory of common treaties makes South Africa an extremely interesting target for Brazilian IT. This is one of the analyzes present in the South Africa Market Guide, prepared by Softex, following the entity's strategy of identifying opportunities for Brazilian companies abroad through its Sectorial Project Brazil IT +.

“We detected a surprising optimism regarding the growth of the IT sector in South Africa”, comments Diônes Lima, Softex's executive vice president, citing Gartner projections that indicate that the country could become the fourth largest IT market in the world .

Solutions from Brazilian banking automation companies, systems focused on e-gov (electronic solutions for the Government), as well as systems such as electoral and income tax are of interest to South Africa, which considers Brazil as a country of excellence in the ICT sector. As it is not such a traditional market, but one that has been investing and fostering investments in technology, South Africa presents extremely interesting opportunities.

A study carried out by Gartner with South African CEOs identified among the main technologies the priority for the country: infrastructure and data centers, business intelligence and analysis, cloud, mobility solutions, ERP, network communication, voice and data; application development, digitization and digital marketing; business process management (BPM), enterprise applications, industry-specific applications and architecture.

Developed in partnership with the Brazilian Export and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil), the Brasil IT + Sectorial Project is the largest and most comprehensive plan for competitive internationalization of software development companies and IT service providers ever carried out in the country . In 2019, it counted with the participation of 191 companies, which were responsible for generating a revenue of US$ 681 million in exports of software and services, equivalent to 32% of the total exported by the sector.

“Strategically located, South Africa is a natural gateway to the African continent, with a dynamic business community, highly market-oriented and that drives the country's growth, which means an enormous potential for opportunities for National IT ”, concludes the vice president of Softex.

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