
*By William Rocha

The ESG agenda (in Portuguese, environmental, social and corporate governance) has never been so in evidence and there is no lack of accelerators for companies to pay more and more attention to these practices. What used to be considered by many as a secondary topic and, in a way, more mediatic than practical, has now become one of the major investment focuses for companies. And, in agribusiness, ESG is even more important and sensitive, especially on the environmental agenda. 

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been provoking a revolution in activities related to the field. In practice, it has two biases: with automation, supporting the execution of tasks in a precise and agile way, and strategically, providing data analysis to support business decision making. Its adoption is present from the administrative area, through planting and harvesting, to the packaging of the product. And, combined with other technologies such as computer vision, machine learning, sensors, drones and the Internet of Things (IoT), AI has helped companies to follow the best practices of the ESG agenda. 

With regard to corporate governance, large companies have created increasingly robust and independent areas, in addition to tools to safely and equally conduct the objectives of agenda G. In this matter, Artificial Intelligence, as a data generator, enters as a facilitator in the system of controls, documentation and audits, providing agility and precision in relation to the guidelines that companies must follow, and with due zeal for data protection and transparency in the results. 

On the social issue of agribusiness, large movements for inclusion, diversity and equity have received attention. The more companies practice and disclose, the more positive impacts they generate on their employees and society. In a market where qualified labor is fiercely disputed, the social impact generated by companies is a decisive factor for professionals who will be associated with a particular brand. 

And from the side of the ecosystem that sustains this sector, according to the Agricultural Census, family farming represents about 77% of the total agricultural establishments in Brazil and many of these families do not have access to technological advice. And, in this wave, the company that supports the training of employees and small producers to understand the advances in technology will be one step ahead. 

As for the Environmental-related agenda, Artificial Intelligence has been designing new directions for agribusiness, as its applications help in precision agriculture, such as the identification of climatic phenomena, soil quality monitoring, pest control and pest management. water, actions that lead to resource savings and the production of healthier crops, which, in general, reduces the impact on the environment. 

The use of technologies in the field, whether in agriculture or livestock, is increasingly necessary to increase productivity with less environmental damage, especially in a world that, according to the United Nations, will reach more than 9, 5 billion people by 2050, which will increase food demand. 

Thus, the ESG agenda in companies is a seed that must be planted yesterday for benefits that must be reaped in the coming years. But to actually obtain a competitive advantage, it is necessary to integrate technology and data, using resources such as Artificial Intelligence and APIs (in Portuguese, Application Programming Interface), which are software that connect applications and integrate different platforms from the entire ecosystem of the sector. , so that it is possible to get ESG goals off the ground. 

*William Rocha is commercial manager at Engineering, a global Information Technology company and consultancy specializing in Digital Transformation.

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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