In the context of an increasingly connected society, information security and data protection have become topics of increasing relevance. Aiming to deepen the discussions on these crucial topics, an important event will take place in Brasília, on June 27th, with the theme CYBERSECURITY CHALLENGES IN BRAZIL . The event is organized by ABES, Assespro Federation, FecomercioSP and Fenainfo, with the support of Senator Esperidião Amin, who is rapporteur for the Permanent Subcommittee on Cyber Defense of the Federal Senate, chaired by Senator Renan Calheiros. The in-person meeting will be held from 8am to 12pm at Interlegis headquarters, in Brasília (DF).
Participants will have the opportunity to discuss the National Cybersecurity Strategy, implemented by Decree 10,222/2020, as well as the new guidelines of the National Cybersecurity Policy, sanctioned by Decree nº 11,856/2023. Another point of the event will be the analysis of the role of the National Cybersecurity Council (CNCiber). The preliminary schedule is as follows:
- Opening – Cybersecurity regulatory challenges
- Panel 1 – State of the art of cybersecurity in Brazil
- Panel 2 – State participation in cybersecurity
The date CYBERSECURITY CHALLENGES IN BRAZIL promises to bring together renowned experts, politicians, businesspeople and others interested in deepening their knowledge of best practices and challenges in the field of cybersecurity. This is an opportunity to exchange experiences, create contact networks and, above all, contribute to strengthening the country's cyber defenses.
Spaces for the event are limited, emphasizing the importance of prior registration for those interested. To register, participants must access this link and complete the online registration form.
“This event represents a crucial initiative for the development of effective strategies that can protect Brazil's critical infrastructures and sensitive data, enhancing the country's secure growth in the digital era.”, highlights Marcelo Almeida, Director of Government Relations at ABES.
It is worth noting that the cyber sector was highlighted by the National Defense Strategy (END), approved by Decree 6,703, of 2008, being considered as one of the three strategic and essential sectors for National Defense, alongside the space and nuclear sectors.
Event: Cybersecurity Challenges in Brazil
Date: June 27, 2024
Hour: 08h to 12h
Source: ABES with Agência Senado