Brazilian Software Market
Panorama and Trends 2024
The study “Brazilian Software Market: Panorama and Trends 2024” is an initiative of ABES – Brazilian Association of Software Companies and IDC consultancy, a global leader in market intelligence. This is the 20th edition of this important annual study, which maps the evolution, challenges and highlights of the sector. This analysis is the main one in the IT sector in Brazil and has become a national reference, cited by the main actors in the technology and innovation ecosystem, as well as a source of reliable data for companies, government and academia. Sign up to download the full version of the 2024 study!!
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Previous studies
ABES – Brazilian Association of Software Companies and the International Data Corporation (IDC) present the Brazilian Software Market Study – Panorama and Trends 2023. According to data from the International Data Corporation (IDC) analyzed by ABES, Brazil today maintained 1,65% of investments in technology globally, and 36% of investments throughout Latin America (compared to 40% in the previous survey). Considering the total global investments in information technology (software, hardware and services) during 2022 – which was US$ 3.11 trillion, against US$ 2.79 trillion –, Brazil fell two positions, now appearing in twelfth place in this investment ranking, with US$45.2 billion invested and leads in Latin America, whose total investments reached US$124 billion (compared to US$115 billion in 2021). IDC highlighted trends for 2023-2024, from a pragmatic perspective and focused on topics such as 5G, Cybersecurity and IoT, download free.
ABES – Brazilian Association of Software Companies presented the Brazilian Software Market Study - Overview and Trends 2022, developed in partnership with IDC. According to data from the International Data Corporation (IDC) analyzed by ABES, Brazil currently holds 1,65% of investments in technology at a global level, and 40% of investments throughout Latin America. Total global investments in information technology (software, hardware and services) during 2021 amounted to US$ 2.79 trillion, with Brazil in tenth position in this world investment ranking, with US$ 45.7 billion applied , and leads in Latin America, whose total investments reached US$ 115 billion. To access more data about the market and trends, download free.
The study "Brazilian Software Market - Panorama and Trends 2021", carried out by ABES – Associação Brasileira das Empresas de Software with data from IDC, shows that the technology industry in Brazil grew 22.9% and invested around R$ 200.3 billion (US$ 50.7 billion), if considering the software, services, hardware and also the segment's exports. The survey shows that Brazil won positions in the world IT ranking, from 10th in 2019 to 9th in 2020, and maintained its leadership in the Latin American market, with a share of 44%. For this study, IDC adopted the conversion rate to the average dollar of R$ 3.95/US$ and interviewed companies that work with software development producing customized and parameterizable products, in addition to information collected from IT user companies. According to the survey carried out, the technology sector in Brazil invested around US$ 49.5 billion in the domestic market, without considering exports. Within this amount, 53.7% (US$ 26.5 billion) were used in hardware; 26.3% (US$ 13 billion) in software; and 20% (US$ 10 billion) in services.
Download the full study on here.
Presentation of Market Study 2021 – performed by Jorge Sukarie (ABES)
Presentation of 2021 Trends – performed by Fabio Martinelli (IDC)
The study is based on data consolidated by 50 IDC offices, divided into six world regions.
Since 2005, ABES and IDC, one of the main consultancy and market intelligence companies with a focus on IT and Telecom, have carried out and disseminate the Study “Brazilian Software Market - Panorama and Trends”, which allows to know in depth this economic segment .
It presents, in detail, reliable data on the Brazilian and global software markets, the growth rates, evolution and trends of the sector, which are essential for directing the strategies of companies that compete in the sector.
This study is an important business tool that is available on this portal for consultation by members and other interested audiences. It is possible to read or download the documents released since the beginning of this study (year by year).
The study is based on data consolidated by 50 IDC offices, divided into six world regions.
Since 2005, ABES and IDC, one of the main consultancy and market intelligence companies with a focus on IT and Telecom, have carried out and disseminate the Study “Brazilian Software Market - Panorama and Trends”, which allows to know in depth this economic segment .
It presents, in detail, reliable data on the Brazilian and global software markets, the growth rates, evolution and trends of the sector, which are essential for directing the strategies of companies that compete in the sector.
This study is an important business tool that is available on this portal for consultation by members and other interested audiences. It is possible to read or download the documents released since the beginning of this study (year by year).
The IT (hardware, software and services) market in Brazil grew 4.5%, according to the annual study by ABES (Brazilian Association of Software Companies), carried out jointly with the consultancy IDC. At the top of the list of IT investments in Latin America, Brazil recorded about US$ 38 billion in investments in hardware, software and services during 2017, followed by Mexico (US$ 20.6 billion), Argentina (US$ 8, 4 billion) and Colombia (US$ 7 billion). In the world ranking, the country was in ninth place in the list that head in the sequence: United States (US$ 751 bi), China (US$ 244 bi), Japan (US$ 139 bi), United Kingdom, Germany, France, Canada and India. In total, US$ was 2.07 trillion in IT investments in the last year.
Investments in ICT (IT + Telecom) totaled US$ 3.55 trillion worldwide in 2017, US$ 105 billion in Brazil alone - which guaranteed it the sixth place in the overall ranking, recovering a position in relation to the previous year.
The study is based on data consolidated by 50 IDC offices, divided into six world regions.
Since 2005, ABES and IDC, one of the main consultancy and market intelligence companies with a focus on IT and Telecom, have carried out and disseminate the Study “Brazilian Software Market - Panorama and Trends”, which allows to know in depth this economic segment .
It presents, in detail, reliable data on the Brazilian and global software markets, the growth rates, evolution and trends of the sector, which are essential for directing the strategies of companies that compete in the sector.
This study is an important business tool that is available on this portal for consultation by members and other interested audiences. It is possible to read or download the documents released since the beginning of this study (year by year).
Brazilian Software Market - Panorama and Trends / 2017 edition
2016 consolidated data
The 2017 Brazilian Software and Services Market study, produced by the Brazilian Association of Software Companies (ABES) in partnership with IDC (International Data Corporation), indicates that the Brazilian Information Technology market, including hardware, software, services and exports of IT, moved 39.6 billion dollars in 2016, representing 2.1% of the Brazilian GDP and 1.9% of the total of IT investments in the world, a result inferior to the participation indicated in 2015. In the world, investments in this sector grew 2% and totaled US$ 2.03 trillion in 2016.
In the ranking of investments in the IT sector in Latin America, the country remained in 1st place, with 36.5% of investments, totaling US$ 38.5 billion, followed by Mexico (22.9%) and Colombia (10.2%) . Altogether, the Latin American region totals US$ 105.3 billion.
Download the complete study with the evolution of the indicators and the main forecasts in the link.
Brazilian Software Market - Panorama and Trends / 2016 edition
2015 consolidated data
The study Brazilian Market for Software and Services 2016, produced by the Brazilian Association of Software Companies (ABES) in partnership with IDC (International Data Corporation), shows that the IT market in Brazil, including hardware, software and services, increased 9 , 2% last year, against 5.6% of the global growth average. Worldwide, investments in this sector totaled US$ 2.2 trillion in 2015.
In the ranking of investments in the IT sector in Latin America, the country remained in 1st place, with 45% of investments, totaling US$ 59.9 billion, followed by Mexico (20%) and Colombia (8%). Altogether, the Latin American region totals US$ 133 billion. Responsible for almost half of IT investments in the region, Brazil maintains a relevant regional leadership.
To see the full search, click here.
Brazilian Software Market - Panorama and Trends / 2015 edition
Consolidated data for 2014
The Brazilian IT Industry is positioned in 7th place in the world ranking, with an investment of US$ 60 billion, in 2014. If we consider only the Software and IT Services sector, without exports, the amount amounted to US$ 25.2 billion in the year past. The study points out that Brazil is positioned in 1st place in the ranking of investments in the IT sector in Latin America, with 46% of this market which, in 2014, totaled US$ 128 billion. When considering the Software Market in isolation, sales reached US$ 11.2 billion last year, without exports. The Services Market registered a value of US$ 14 billion in 2014.
To see the full search, click here.
Brazilian Software Market - Panorama and Trends / 2014 edition
2013 consolidated data
The domestic Information Technology market, which includes hardware, software and services, generated US $ 61.6 billion in 2013, representing 2.74% of Brazilian GDP and 3% of total IT investments in the world, a very positive result and superior to those participations pointed out in the previous year. Of this amount, 10.7 billion came from the software market and 14.4 billion from the services market, with the sum of these two segments already exceeding 40% of the total IT market, a strong indication of the country's transition to the group of economies. that favor the development of solutions and systems.

Brazilian Software Market - Panorama and Trends / 2011 edition
2010 consolidated data
Brazilian Software Market - Panorama and Trends / 2010 edition
2009 consolidated data
Keeping stable in the world scenario of software and services, the Brazilian market ranked 12th in the world and handled around US$ 15.3 billion in 2009 - a balance of 2.4% above that achieved in the previous year. Of this total, US$ 5.4 billion refers to software and US$ 9.9 billion to services, equivalent to 1.70% and 1.78% on the world market, respectively. In the same period, the world market for software and services registered a small advance of 0.89% and generated US$ 880 billion.
The global Information Technology market underperformed 2008: US$ 1.43 trillion in movements, with a fall of 2.7% in relation to the previous year. Latin America recorded the opposite: US$ 65 billion and growth of 6.5% in the period.
Brazilian Software Market - Panorama and Trends / 2009 edition
2008 consolidated data
The national software and services market remained in 2008 in 12th position on the world stage and moved US$ 15 billion, an increase of 35% in relation to 2007. Of this total, US$ 5 billion refer to software and US$ 10 billion to services , equivalent to 1,68% and 1,72% on the world stage, respectively.
In 2008, the world market for Information Technology moved around US$ 1.4 trillion and the Latin American US$ 61 billion, with Brazil representing the largest market in the region, with 48% of the total.
Brazilian Software Market - Panorama and Trends / 2008 edition
2007 consolidated data
In 2007, the national software and services market returned to the position it occupied in 2005 on the world stage, the 12th. The sector handled around US$ 11.12 billion, an increase of 22.3% over the previous year. Of this total, US$ 4.19 billion refers to software, which represents 1.6% of the world market, and US$ 6.93 billion refers to services.
The world market for Information Technology moved around US$ 1.3 trillion and the Latin American US$ 47.7 billion. In this context, Brazil corresponded to 43.4%.
Brazilian Software Market - Panorama and Trends / 2007 edition
2006 consolidated data
The Brazilian software and services market fell one place on the world stage in 2006, ranking 13th. In 2006, the segment handled US$ 9.09 billion, an increase of 22.6% over 2005. Of this total, US$ 3.26 billion refers to software, which represents 1.3% of the world market and 43% of the Latin -American. The other US$ 5.83 billion is related to services.
In 2006, the worldwide Information Technology market moved US$ 1.17 trillion, 38.8% of which came from hardware, 20.9% from software and 40.3% from services.
Brazilian Software Market - Panorama and Trends / 2006 edition
2005 consolidated data
The national software and services market rose three positions on the world stage and came to occupy 12th place in 2005. The sector moved US$ 7.41 billion, US$ 2.72 billion coming from the software segment, which represents 1.2% world market, and 41% from Latin America. The other US$ 4.69 billion is related to related services.
Worldwide, the Information Technology market moved US$ 1.08 trillion, with the classification being 40.8% for services, 20.5% for software and 38.7% for equipment.
Brazilian Software Market - Panorama and Trends / 2005 edition
2004 consolidated data
The Brazilian software and services market ended 2004 at 15th position in the world market, having handled approximately US$ $ 5.98 billion. Of the total, US$ 2.36 billion refers to software, which represented close to 1.1%, of the world market and 41.9% of the Latin American market. The services accounted for US$ 3.62 billion.
The world IT market The World IT market in 2004 was US$ 1 trillion, 38% of hardware, 20.6% of software and 41.1% of services.