smart cities
ABES invited its members to present their software or services aimed at Smart Cities projects, aiming to build a comprehensive database with solutions designed to prevent or address urban crises, aiming to improve urban management. The main objective is to contribute to the creation of more sustainable, efficient and connected urban environments, promoting the well-being of citizens, sustainable economic development and resilience in the event of extreme climate events.
Select the axis to consult ABES associates' solutions for smart cities.
Solutions from ABES Associates for smart cities
1Doc Technology SA
Business segment: Digital processes
Contact: Delza Assis
Contact email: [email protected]
Solution Name: 1Doc
Description: With digital processes, the public entity can reduce its environmental impact by eliminating the use of paper, saving public resources, achieving greater efficiency in internal procedures and in serving citizens with digital services available online, and greater transparency.
SOFTWARE: systems, platforms, app, etc.
Axis in which the solution can act:
CITIZENSHIP: transparency, participation and access to resources
Solution availability: IMMEDIATE: application of an existing and available standard solution
Pro bono provision (full or partial)?: NO: follows usual commercial conditions
Almaviva Solutions
Business segment: Consultancy
Contact: Diogo Cezari
Contact email: [email protected]
Solution Name: Smart Urban Janitorial Management Platform
Description: "Almaviva Solutions offers a solution that allows managers to act proactively and efficiently when faced with these challenges, responding quickly and accurately, with the best results, and also being able to predict and optimize future scenarios. The results can be seen in services such as: emergencies, floods, landslides, fallen trees, urban cleaning, major events, public transportation, traffic, epidemic control, security (civil guard), health (basic care), accidents with victims, protection of public property, sheltering the homeless, among other applications. The Smart Urban Janitorial Management Platform controls, monitors and operates in real time what was previously done manually. The solution integrates the main local services and online tools. Using devices such as chips and sensors, for example, it is able to measure the condition of practically everything, such as air quality, potholes in the roads, the need for tree pruning, water leaks and much more. Data is collected and centralized in a single dashboard, reducing the manager's reaction time and identifying the need for interventions to minimize incidents."
SOFTWARE: systems, platforms, app, etc.
Axis in which the solution can act:
CITIZENSHIP: transparency, participation and access to resources
EMERGENCY: mobilization, coordination, assistance, rescue
OPTIMIZATION: energy efficiency, resource management and effectiveness
PREVENTION: mapping, monitoring and mitigating risks
RECOVERY: planning, transparency, resource management
Solution availability: SHORT TERM: demands customization, integration or manufacturing
Pro bono provision (full or partial)?: NO: follows usual commercial conditions
Baikal Security
Business segment: Consultancy
Contact: Renan
Contact email: [email protected]
Solution Name: Consulting and preparation of Business Continuity Plans, Disaster Recovery. Provision of data protection tools for Disaster Recovery.
Description: The BCP is intended to minimize the impact of business interruptions in adverse situations and enable an organization to continue operating or resume operations in the best possible way according to defined scenarios. According to the business mapping, it is proposed to structure the Business Continuity Plan, with the performance of the business impact analysis (BIA) and the Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP), addressing: 1. Critical business processes: Identifying critical processes helps prioritize recovery. 2. Risks: Assess the risks that can interrupt business processes. This includes risks such as natural disasters, power failures, IT failures, among others. 3. Impact: Assess the impact that each interruption can have on business processes. This includes financial, operational and reputational impact. 4. Fault tolerance: Assess the fault tolerance of each business process. This helps determine the maximum downtime an organization can withstand before suffering significant financial losses. After defining the critical processes and all the previous steps, the Business Continuity Plan (BCP) will be defined, containing elements that will help the organization recover from an interruption, such as: • Communication plan; • IT recovery plan; • Operations and supply chain continuity plan; • Training and testing plan. The association of disaster recovery and business continuity plans is essential for the corporate environment, as it minimizes risks and accelerates decision-making during an unexpected event or disaster. Finally, we also provide some tools and services for implementing the Disaster Recovery Plan in IT according to the client's structured scenarios.
SERVICE: consulting, SaaS etc.
Axis in which the solution can act:
PREVENTION: mapping, monitoring and mitigating risks
RECOVERY: planning, transparency, resource management
Solution availability: SHORT TERM: demands customization, integration or manufacturing
Pro bono provision (full or partial)?: NO: follows usual commercial conditions
Conditions: It is possible to provide with special conditions depending on the nature of the client organization.
Clubb Software Ltd.
Business segment: Distribution
Contact: Evandro Holz
Contact email: [email protected]
Solution Name: ACTION
Description: ACCTION is a disaster management tool that has already been implemented in more than five countries worldwide. It supports preparedness, response and recovery - that is, the entire risk management cycle, promoting communication and continuous operation between city governments and communities, especially the most vulnerable ones. It is quick and easy to implement, and is currently being implemented in Porto Alegre to connect support offers (e.g. packed lunches) and demand (people asking for support), and has already supported the distribution of more than 3,000 items.
SOFTWARE: systems, platforms, app, etc.
Axis in which the solution can act:
CITIZENSHIP: transparency, participation and access to resources
EMERGENCY: mobilization, coordination, assistance, rescue
OPTIMIZATION: energy efficiency, resource management and effectiveness
PREVENTION: mapping, monitoring and mitigating risks
RECOVERY: planning, transparency, resource management
Solution availability: IMMEDIATE: application of an existing and available standard solution
Pro bono provision (full or partial)?: YES: total, partial or special conditions supply
Conditions: Made available free of charge to support emergency response in times of disasters.
Consulting and Systems Guideline
Business segment: Distribution
Contact: Ludmar Sant´Anna de Paiva
Contact email: [email protected]
Solution Name: SISLAM
SERVICE: consulting, SaaS etc.
Axis in which the solution can act:
CITIZENSHIP: transparency, participation and access to resources
EMERGENCY: mobilization, coordination, assistance, rescue
OPTIMIZATION: energy efficiency, resource management and effectiveness
PREVENTION: mapping, monitoring and mitigating risks
RECOVERY: planning, transparency, resource management
Solution availability: IMMEDIATE: application of an existing and available standard solution
Pro bono provision (full or partial)?: YES: total, partial or special conditions supply
Conditions: DISCOUNTS
Business segment: Technology Provider
Contact: Carlos Tunes
Contact email: [email protected]
Solution Name: IBM MAXIMO and IBM Environment Intelligent Suite
Description: Technological platform that enables the operational and environmental sustainability of cities and companies, through the integrated Management of City Assets and Services, with support for Operation and Control Centers; with weather forecasts for micro regions and analysis and prediction of climate risks (such as coastal flooding, extreme heat, extreme wind, forest fires, freezing/thawing, riverine flooding, soil movements, surface water flooding, electrical discharges), as well as fire trails.
SOFTWARE: systems, platforms, app, etc.
Axis in which the solution can act:
CITIZENSHIP: transparency, participation and access to resources
EMERGENCY: mobilization, coordination, assistance, rescue
OPTIMIZATION: energy efficiency, resource management and effectiveness
PREVENTION: mapping, monitoring and mitigating risks
RECOVERY: planning, transparency, resource management
Solution availability: IMMEDIATE: application of an existing and available standard solution
Pro bono provision (full or partial)?: NO: follows usual commercial conditions
Business segment: Development
Contact: David Almeida
Contact email: [email protected]
Solution Name: AEI
Description: AEI - Alimentação Escolar Inteligente is an innovative solution focused on the efficient and nutritional management of school meals. Using advanced technologies, the system integrates data on menus, students' nutritional needs, inventory control and logistics planning to ensure that meals are balanced, healthy and sustainable. How AEI can help cities: Improved School Nutrition: By monitoring and adjusting menus according to nutritional guidelines, AEI ensures that students receive a balanced diet, contributing to healthy development and academic performance. Efficient Resource Management: With inventory control and logistics planning, the system reduces food waste, optimizes the use of resources and generates savings for the public administration. Transparency and Monitoring: The platform allows real-time monitoring of operations, offering transparency to managers and enabling rapid adjustments as needed. Sustainability: AEI promotes sustainable practices by encouraging the use of local and seasonal products, reducing the carbon footprint and strengthening the local economy. Inclusion and Personalization: The solution enables personalized meals to meet the specific needs of students with dietary restrictions, allergies, or other conditions, ensuring that everyone receives adequate nutrition. By implementing AEI, cities can not only improve the quality of food offered in schools, but also optimize resource management and promote the health and well-being of children, creating a positive and lasting impact on the community.
SERVICE: consulting, SaaS etc.
Axis in which the solution can act:
CITIZENSHIP: transparency, participation and access to resources
OPTIMIZATION: energy efficiency, resource management and effectiveness
Solution availability: IMMEDIATE: application of an existing and available standard solution
Pro bono provision (full or partial)?: NO: follows usual commercial conditions
Multiway Commerce and Representations LTDA
Business segment: Development
Contact: Junior Carrara
Contact email: [email protected]
Solution Name: Sentry - Digital Wall
Description: Municipal public security intelligence software.
SOFTWARE: systems, platforms, app, etc.
Axis in which the solution can act:
EMERGENCY: mobilization, coordination, assistance, rescue
PREVENTION: mapping, monitoring and mitigating risks
Solution availability: IMMEDIATE: application of an existing and available standard solution
Pro bono provision (full or partial)?: NO: follows usual commercial conditions
Opencadd Advanced Technology
Business segment: Distribution
Contact: Kleber Machado
Contact email: [email protected]
Solution Name: Specialized Consulting in Mathematical Modeling
Description: Specialized consulting services in mathematical modeling for the construction of virtual environments that support decision-making, supporting the prevention of risk situations for the population and helping to optimize the use of public resources.
SERVICE: consulting, SaaS etc.
Axis in which the solution can act:
OPTIMIZATION: energy efficiency, resource management and effectiveness
PREVENTION: mapping, monitoring and mitigating risks
Solution availability: MEDIUM TERM: requires specific development
Pro bono provision (full or partial)?: YES: total, partial or special conditions supply
Orbis Systems Ltd.
Business segment: Development
Contact: Catia Regina Moreira
Contact email: [email protected]
Solution Name: Territorial Management System
Description: "Territorial Management System > Integrated management: - Multipurpose Registry - Urban Planning - Environment > Electronic processes > Document automation It is a data convergence and integration platform that provides information sharing and services to citizens. It adds intelligence to responses to demands, promoting increased productivity, standardization, accessibility and transparency. It consolidates environmental conditions, risk areas, registry of information on prevention and mitigation equipment and civil defense actions, guiding planning and regulation of the use and sustainability of the natural environment. This platform can be integrated with monitoring systems, adding greater capacity for automated analysis when events occur."
SOFTWARE: systems, platforms, app, etc.
Axis in which the solution can act:
OPTIMIZATION: energy efficiency, resource management and effectiveness
PREVENTION: mapping, monitoring and mitigating risks
Solution availability: IMMEDIATE: application of an existing and available standard solution
Pro bono provision (full or partial)?: NO: follows usual commercial conditions
Business segment: Development
Contact: Gustavo Barreto Garcia
Contact email: [email protected]
Solution Name: QualityHub - Digital City
Description: In cities, there are countless faults: such as problems with the asphalt, damage to infrastructure, poles, etc. The management of these faults is carried out by a restricted team that needs to map, understand and structure where public resources should be invested. The QualityHub solution is an efficient solution based on a mobile application and cloud. Through the solution, government teams and the population can consult and point out faults and damages. This data is uploaded to the cloud, where the data is processed. And with this, public managers have real-time data on where there is damage to the infrastructure, what types of damage, and the criticality of the points. With this, they can optimize repair and action work, in addition to allowing the mapping of progress and solutions made.
SERVICE: consulting, SaaS etc.
Axis in which the solution can act:
CITIZENSHIP: transparency, participation and access to resources
RECOVERY: planning, transparency, resource management
Solution availability: IMMEDIATE: application of an existing and available standard solution
Pro bono provision (full or partial)?: YES: total, partial or special conditions supply
Conditions: Free use of the solution for 6 months. This can be extended depending on the level of disaster.
Sprint Data
Business segment: Consultancy
Contact: Rayane Ruas
Contact email: [email protected]
Solution Name: Sizing the impacts
Description: Consulting for analysis, dimensioning and rapid response to the impacts of the crisis and/or occurrence in the tourism sector. With our services, we immediately present to managers the economic impact on the sector, jobs at risk, lost revenue, affected sectors and future projections of its duration.
SERVICE: consulting, SaaS etc.
Axis in which the solution can act:
RECOVERY: planning, transparency, resource management
Solution availability: IMMEDIATE: application of an existing and available standard solution
Pro bono provision (full or partial)?: YES: total, partial or special conditions supply
Conditions: 25% discount on our fees
SYDLE Systems Ltd.
Business segment: Development
Contact: Marina Mendonca
Contact email: [email protected]
Solution Name: SYDLE ONE
Description: Low-code platform that enables fast deliveries, process automation and end-to-end services, as well as service and self-service portals with chat bot and AI. The tool is also omnichannel, enabling the target audience to be reached through different channels, as well as agile parameterizations, aligned with the business rules of the agency/project. It is a solution that provides 360 data management, an auditable 100% system, with an open API for integration, promoting information transparency and effective management. It has an intuitive interface for the end user, facilitating mobilization, articulation and public participation. The BPMS solution, also available on the platform, enables process mapping, resource management and forecasting, acting as a strong ally in scalability and demand management.
SOFTWARE: systems, platforms, app, etc.
Axis in which the solution can act:
CITIZENSHIP: transparency, participation and access to resources
EMERGENCY: mobilization, coordination, assistance, rescue
OPTIMIZATION: energy efficiency, resource management and effectiveness
PREVENTION: mapping, monitoring and mitigating risks
RECOVERY: planning, transparency, resource management
Solution availability: IMMEDIATE: application of an existing and available standard solution
Pro bono provision (full or partial)?: YES: total, partial or special conditions supply
VA Systems
Business segment: Development
Contact: Lucas
Contact email: [email protected]
Solution Name: Shared Shopping
Description: Our solution offers an organizational structure designed to carry out contracting and bidding procedures in a centralized manner, grouping demands from different bodies and entities and seeking better price conditions, standardization and optimization of time and resources.
SOFTWARE: systems, platforms, app, etc.
Axis in which the solution can act:
OPTIMIZATION: energy efficiency, resource management and effectiveness
RECOVERY: planning, transparency, resource management
Solution availability: SOFTWARE: systems, platforms, app, etc.
Pro bono provision (full or partial)?: NO: follows usual commercial conditions