
The association brought together experts in a webinar who discussed, among various subjects, which lines of credit are best suited to projects in the sector

ABES – Brazilian Association of Software Companies promoted the event “Finep credit lines for innovation projects in the software segment”, which had the participation of specialists on the subject and promoted the discussion about the credit lines that best suit the projects in the software sector, the presentation of successful cases and the debate about the measures recently adopted by the agency to reduce bureaucracy and speed up the approval of proposals.

With the presence of Newton Hamatsu (Superintendent of Innovation at FINEP, working on the topics of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for SMEs), Fernanda Rimsa (Project Management Officer), Antonio Marcos Martins (Financial Manager at Dígitro), Jamile Sabatini Marques (Director of Innovation and Development at ABES) and Paulo Milliet Roque (President of ABES), the webinar was held free of charge and translated into Libras, following ABES' commitment to providing content and services that contribute to the construction of a Brazil digital and less unequal, in which information technology plays a fundamental role in the democratization of knowledge and the creation of new opportunities for all, in an inclusive and egalitarian way. 

“A startup will have more difficulty in accessing guarantees such as a guarantee than ordinary companies. Therefore, insurance has grown in the list of guarantees, which makes financing as a whole cheaper and more attractive. Start-up companies, in turn, have more difficulties, and this is because credit is not an instrument for everyone, but for companies that have developed products, revenues and a minimum capital structure. A new company may need an investment, or a grant. For smaller companies, guarantee funds may be an option, with fees that vary according to the company's profile and payment term, which make financing much more attractive”, explained Newton Hamatsu, Innovation Superintendent at FINEP. .

Antonio Marcos Martins, Financial Manager at Dígitro, highlighted a tip for those starting out. “For those who are starting as a developer or inventor, I recommend participating in associations that focus children on platforms and manage to raise funds with FINEP and promote the dissemination of knowledge, directly with people who have even made mistakes. In my view, it is necessary to understand that the more involvement companies have with each other, exchanging experiences, integrating by promoting technology among themselves, the better the results will be. This is partnership. In my opinion, software companies still talk little to each other, there should be more proximity, because this is what allows us to see the successes, the plans, the successes in each project, generating gains for the companies. We need to stop seeing companies as competitors and see everyone as partners,” he said. 

Jamile Sabatini Marques, Director of Innovation and Development at ABES, highlighted the role of the Association, which, through its Committees, identifies their pains and demands with companies and promotes actions to solve the challenges. “These exchanges have been very important and we have obtained excellent results. The Association needs to accept the pains of the companies on a day-to-day basis so that we can work towards development and improvements”, he declared.

In the future, ABES will promote other events talking about FINEP's lines of credit and financing, such as Centelha (which aims to disseminate the culture of innovative entrepreneurship throughout the national territory through the mobilization and institutional articulation of actors in local, state and regional ecosystems). of innovation in the country) and Finep Inovacred Expresso (which aims to support micro, small and medium-sized companies through a simplified operational flow, aiming to facilitate access to credit for MSMEs with a history of innovation). “We want to simplify access to information for entrepreneurs and make sure that everyone can know and understand what is available”, stated Jamile Sabatini Marques.

“Obtaining financing or a subsidy is not easy, as it requires a great deal of managerial dedication from the company, especially from small companies that generally do not have this availability, making the task a considerable effort. I am pleased to see that this effort has been paying off, as more and more lines of financing are coming out”, concluded Paulo Milliet Roque, President of ABES.

To follow the entire webinar, go to video on the official ABES YouTube channel. 

ABES offers free support guide

THE 3rd edition of the Guide to Fostering Innovation for the ICT Sector from ABES is now available for download on the association's website. The document gathers information on the main mechanisms and financing or tax incentive programs in the country and includes measures to support the productive sector in combating the impacts of Covid-19. Launched in partnership with ABGI, a consultancy specializing in tax incentives, innovation management and financial management, the guide aims to guide innovative entrepreneurs, demonstrating what is available in the market, according to the types of resources and target audience, and already considering the financeable items of each line of funding. 

ABES and ABGI believe that fostering innovation is essential for Brazil's economic and social development, especially in light of the new knowledge society and the current digital transformation process. In addition, information technology plays a fundamental role in the democratization of knowledge and the creation of new opportunities for all, in an inclusive and equitable way. Despite being aimed at the ICT Sector, the Guide manages to reach the industry as a whole and facilitates the entrepreneur's vision, as it provides guidance on where to find opportunities.

Download the presentation made by Newton Hamatsu.

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