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“Administrative Reform: Perspectives and Opportunities” is the theme of the next live, scheduled for 10/01/2024, the result of a promising partnership between ABES and the Fecomercio SP, bringing together experts to discuss the transformations proposed by PEC nº 32/2020.

The Proposed Amendment to the Constitution (PEC) No. 32/2020 aims to modernize public administration, directing it to achieve higher productivity rates and offer quality public services at lower costs. This proposal is broad-ranging, covering the Union, states, Federal District and municipalities, as well as civil servants from the three branches of government. This PEC modifies several articles of public administration and is the first step in a larger modernization plan that will require subsequent bills.

During the live, we will explore fundamental questions, including:

– What are the prospects for progress with this PEC in the short term?

– How can new technologies, including artificial intelligence and Big Data, support the modernization process?

– How will smart city and digital government projects be driven by the Administrative Reform?

Will be present: Antonio Lanzana, President of the Superior Council of Economics, Sociology and Politics of FecomercioSP; Vanda Scartezini, Businesswoman and Director of ABES Leader of DNS Women: Involving the Community, ICANN; Marcelo Almeida, Director of Government Relations at ABES; and Andriei Gutierrez, Vice-president and leader of the ABES Regulatory Committee Free registration.


ABES and FecomercioSP promote live broadcast to discuss Administrative Reform

Mark your calendars and sign up for free right now:

Date: 10/01

Time: 8:30 am

Event with translation into libras



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