
*By Graciele Lima

When we talk about process management, aiming to cut costs, minimize errors and increase productivity, we can be talking about basically any spectrum of business production. But when we aim our magnifying glass at the agricultural sector, we are looking at a sea, or rather, literally a gigantic field of possibilities. Among them, greater security of crop production and a more assertive production of whatever is being planted and/or cultivated.

For the rural sector, and we go beyond the use of machinery that promotes automatism of farming processes, or advances in the area of biotechnology, we come to the need for an integrated management of all sectors of the countryside. And here, we see how vital the adoption of management software becomes. Spreadsheets and notes on paper are replaced by a dense and complete information management system.

The bet on these technologies proves to be a differential, especially when we look at the fundamental role that agribusiness plays in the Brazilian economy. We are talking about a sector that, in 2020, filled 26% of our country's GDP (data from the CNA — Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil). With increasingly fierce competition, and with technologies enabling more and more innovation, managing your field as effectively as possible becomes key, not to mention necessary.

And make no mistake, the use of these technologies is not restricted to large companies and agribusiness cooperatives, because through a system that adapts to the reality and needs of those who will use it, boosting both business and maturity in crop management. Here, think about marriage: the partnership needs to be equally sustainable and lasting, so that good fruits can be reaped.

And this helps to demonstrate one of the first steps to adopt these software, which is exactly to keep in mind from the beginning what the challenges and problems to be solved are. With this, two diametrically opposed problems are avoided: investing little, in a solution that does not include everything your production needs, or investing in something far beyond your financial scope.

Among other points worth paying attention to is the maturing of the team. The adoption of a field management solution demands greater maturity in operating, managing and interpreting accurate information, and making decisions based on that. This learning curve must be monitored and continuous. In addition, it is essential to always keep an eye on changes and trends in the market, once your internal environment is well controlled and managed.

In short, betting on field management software means betting on improving results for rural producers, regardless of the scope of their production. This is done by analyzing results in real time and enabling more assertive decision-making based on these numbers. In an increasingly competitive and important area for our country's economy, certifying that your product is produced as effectively as possible is key to your survival. 

* Graciele Lima, Head of Agribusiness at Senior Sistemas

Notice: The opinion presented in this article is the responsibility of its author and not of ABES - Brazilian Association of Software Companies

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