10 passos para construir uma estratégia de dados efetiva

10 steps to building an effective data strategy

*By César Ripari Data is now widely recognized as an organization's greatest assets, fundamental to supporting smarter decisions. However, it is clear that many companies still act in a disorderly way with them, without a strategy...
A contratação de empresas de tecnologia por inexigibilidade de licitação

Hiring technology companies due to non-requirement of bidding

*By Daniella Caverni Introduction to the Bidding Law Law No. 14,133/2021, Bidding Law, is the current legislation that governs the rules for public contracts, in the Brazilian context, it is a set of rules that regulate the contracting of works, services, shopping...
Bem-estar no trabalho: estresse afeta 67% dos brasileiros

Well-being at work: stress affects 67% of Brazilians

According to ADP Research Institute's new People at Work report, 57% believe their superiors are not prepared to talk about mental health issues without judgment Stress and mental health continue to be very persistent issues in...
Como está a conexão para a educação inteligente?

How is the connection for smart education?

*By Ana Cláudia Donner Abreu Smart education is an innovative approach that uses advanced technologies to make the educational process more efficient, personalized and accessible (Hong Guo et al., 2021). This approach is closely related to...