
Intelbras Defense IA, a monitoring system with artificial intelligence, has been proving to be a reference in Brazil and is featured in an innovation award

The electronic security market is constantly changing. As a result, in recent years there has been a need to develop platforms that integrate the most varied solutions, seeking to improve the monitoring of cities, commercial and public buildings, companies, industries, agribusiness and even events.

According to data from the Brazilian Association of Electronic Security Systems Companies (abese), the electronic security sector moved R$ 9.24 billion in 2021, which represented a growth of 14% over the previous year. For 2022, the expectation is for an increase of 18% and a movement of R$ 11 billion, with artificial intelligence solutions having more and more space in this market.

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Because of this market demand, Intelbras created the software Defense AI to unify the management of electronic security solutions, such as closed-circuit television cameras, recorders and access controllers. The platform has embedded artificial intelligence technology, which makes the security operation more reliable, simple, efficient, integrated and automated.

Among the differentiators of the software are:

  • Possibility to manage thousands of security devices.
  • Management and reporting of people flows – with forensic analysis information, identifying details such as colors and types of clothing, use of backpacks, glasses and caps.
  • Search for known and unknown faces in programmed databases.
  • Detection of cases of violence and suspicious activities.
  • Searches for vehicles, considering the characteristics of color, brand and license plate information.
  • Ability to trigger other devices automatically. A fire detector, for example, is triggered and the doors open automatically, freeing the passage.
  • Reduction in project costs: less need for servers, licenses and training than other software.

It is worth noting that, in order to use all of Defense IA's resources, the system must be equipped with monitoring cameras that can capture events that occur on site, for example by reading colors, brands and license plates.

Usage scenarios

Defense IA can be purchased through a single fee that will allow the customer to enjoy the platform for life via cloud computing. Easy to install and configure, it allows the connection of up to 20,000 cameras and other solutions, such as recorders, turnstiles and automatic doors, the platform has been used by city halls, banks, shopping malls, industries, supermarkets, hospitals and schools, helping with monitoring and resolution of occurrences of unwanted situations, such as thefts and robberies.

The system was present at important cultural, public and private events in 2022, helping organizations succeed in their security strategies. Among the examples, there is Ribeirão Rodeo Music. With the help of Intelbras solutions, there was a drop of 93% in thefts at the event location. Another case is that of Oktoberfest Blumenau, which was considered the safest in history, with only 145 police reports registered, nine people arrested and a drop of 80% in the number of cell phone thefts compared to 2019 — again with the help of Defense IA and other electronic security solutions from Intelbras.

Defense IA has been proving to be a benchmark in the electronic security management software market and has already won recognition and awards.

next updates

As it is a platform that allows improvement over time, Intelbras is planning important updates for the software, in order to integrate Khomp solutions (company of the Intelbras group) compatible with the internet of things (IoT) — which will be on the rise with the deployment of 5G technology in Brazil. Among the future possibilities, there are ongoing studies to make the software compatible with network and energy solutions, especially the lines of switches and no-breaks from Intelbras.

This entry by Intelbras into the management software market will simplify the way private companies or public organizations deal with the most varied security equipment in an integrated and unified manner. The results presented so far indicate that Defense IA is an important complement to the company's electronic security portfolio, and its updates will make it increasingly indispensable for private companies and public bodies.

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