
DevOps and SRE practices are critical to efficient, high-quality releases, but teams still devote 27% of their time to manual tasks 

THE Dynatrace, one of the benchmarks in Software Intelligence, announces the results of its new independent global survey of 1,300 development and DevOps leaders, which revealed the key challenges organizations face as they try to keep up with the demand for digital innovation. The survey highlighted that scaling DevOps and SRE practices is critical to accelerating the rollout of high-quality digital services. However, isolated teams, manual approaches and increasingly complex tools slow down innovation and make teams more reactive than proactive, impeding their ability to generate business value. The global report “Deep Cloud Observability and Advanced AIOps are Key to Scaling DevOps Practices – 2021” is available for download here. 

The research reveals:

·         Higher pressure for faster release. On average, organizations expect to increase the frequency of software releases by 58% over the next two years. 

·         Demands for faster releases put quality at risk. Nearly a quarter of respondents (22%) admit they are often under so much pressure to meet the demand for innovation that they risk sacrificing code quality. 

·         DevOps is critical to achieving speed and quality. 98% of respondents said that extending DevOps to more applications is key to digital transformation and optimizing the customer experience. 

·         Human tasks are a barrier to accelerating innovation through DevOps. More than a quarter (27%) of DevOps teams' time is spent on manual tasks, which reduces time spent on innovation. 

·         Greater automation and end-to-end observability in the Cloud is essential for DevOps. Organizations are investing in automation of manual tasks (62%), eliminating manual incident response (62%) and end-to-end observation capabilities (45%) to increase developer productivity. 

·         Extending AIOps throughout the software delivery cycle is critical. 79% of respondents said that extending AIOps beyond traditional use cases will play a critical role in the future success of DevOps and SRE practices. 

·         A unified platform is the foundation of DevOps success. 74% of respondents said end-to-end observability will be essential for DevOps in the future, and 71% of respondents said a unified platform that seamlessly integrates their toolsets will be critical to scaling DevOps beyond a single project. 


“In today's hyper digital age, organizations must deliver innovation faster than ever before. DevOps and SRE practices are essential to achieving this goal, but organizations are struggling to scale them to drive maximum speed, quality and reliability,” says Andreas Grabner, Director of Strategic Partners at Dynatrace. “Development, DevOps, and SRE teams are still struggling with time-consuming manual processes, isolated cultures and an explosion of alerts from their monitoring tools, which are hampering their efforts to accelerate the digital transformation. To overcome these challenges, organizations need a smarter solution that combines end-to-end observability, accurate insights and continuous automation. This will help teams work together more effectively and deliver consistently high-quality software, faster and more efficiently.” 


The report is based on a global survey of 1,300 senior-level development leaders and DevOps at large companies with more than 1,000 employees, conducted by consulting firm Coleman Parkes and commissioned by Dynatrace. The sample included 200 respondents from the United States, 100 from Latin America, 600 from Europe, 250 from Asia-Pacific and 150 from the Middle East. 

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