
Free courses on entrepreneurship, business and career will be offered

As part of its 25th anniversary celebrations, Softex announces the launch of CapacitaEl@, an initiative whose purpose is to inspire and take the knowledge of the entity's collaborators to other women through virtual mini-classes.

The content, which is free and lasts a maximum of one hour, brings valuable tips about careers, business, in addition to the improvement and exchange of professional experiences among the participants. The modules will be made available gradually – every two weeks – on the EAD platform by Hands ON, Softex's accelerator. A certificate will be issued at the end of each course.

“The objective is not just to pass on the content, but to share the professional experience of each of the women who are part of our organization. Soon, we will expand this invitation to other women as well to further increase the offer of courses”, explains Rayanny Nunes, Innovation Manager at Softex.

The first, Entrepreneurial Journey, is now available. In it, it is possible to better understand how it is possible to get an idea of the role and the challenges and opportunities of this process. There are 4 modules: Introduction to the Entrepreneurial Journey, Entrepreneurship and the Brazilian Scenario, What Defines an Entrepreneur and Challenges of the Entrepreneurial Journey. The mentor is precisely Rayanny Nunes.

Data from the latest National Continuous Household Sample Survey (PNADC), carried out by the IBGE, show that around 9.3 million women are in charge of businesses in Brazil. The GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor), which is the main research on entrepreneurship in the world and gathers data from 49 countries, reported in its last edition (2018) that Brazil is in seventh place in the ranking of the proportion of women ahead of enterprises initials.

Check out the themes of the eight courses that will be offered over the next few weeks: Career Planning, Digital Transformation, Career in Project Management Branding and Communication, Productivity and Prioritization, Financial and Personnel Organization, Imposter Syndrome and Project Management.

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