
BMC AMI and Compuware solutions help companies accelerate innovation with expanded AI, new integrations and more automation for the mainframe

BMC, a company that celebrates 40 years offering software solutions for Autonomous Digital Enterprise (ADE - Autonomous Digital Company), announced this month several new features and enhancements for the BMC Automated Mainframe Intelligence (AMI) and Compuware portfolios that enable BMC mainframe customers to protect uptime and availability, defend the mainframe against cybersecurity threats and promote enterprise DevOps.

"Today's companies are facing increasing pressure to ensure availability 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and at the same time optimize their systems to offer speed, agility and ease of use," said Tim Grieser, Research Vice President for Enterprise System Management Software from IDC. “The ability to adapt is essential for business survival, not to mention a successful evolution towards a digital company. Modern, resilient and intelligent mainframe platforms employ tools like AIOps so that their customers can reinvent their business for the digital age. ”

BMC AMI Ops Solution

The new BMC AMI Ops solution adopts the important features of MainView, BMC's solution for optimizing the management of mainframe systems, and makes it even better with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) through a user interface. enhanced and intuitive user interface designed for new and experienced mainframe users. The solution's new AIOps capabilities enable organizations to identify and react to problems before they can affect service levels, and secure communications between business systems with a RESTful API to support automation.

Strengthening mainframe security

With new security controls, out-of-the-box security checks and additional indicators of compromise in the BMC AMI Security solution, customers can expand threat detection and response capabilities. Integrated with the Compuware Application Audit feature, customers can now capture relevant data about user access and behavior to quickly detect breaches and mitigate financial damage and brand reputation. These new offerings, along with BMC's Security Assessment and Penetration Testing services - which identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in configurations, software and security controls (conducted on-site or remotely) - further strengthen and defend the mainframe against harmful actions and data threats.

Adding features to zAdviser and Compuware's Topaz for Total Test

DevOps teams will now be able to see which products and features in Compuware's DevOps toolkit are underutilized with Compuware's zAdviser panels. In addition, they can deliver applications and services more quickly with the enhanced automated testing capabilities of Compuware's Topaz for Total Test product, which simplify the creation of automated test cases, expand test coverage with negative tests and reduce rework.

Workflow optimization with Control-M and Compuware's ThruPut Manager

A new integration between Compuware's Control-M and ThruPut Manager solutions ensures that jobs are performed within or before the expected deadline, which generates shorter, more efficient and cost-efficient batch processing. Users can now use ThruPut Manager to customize the prioritization of mainframe jobs based on data from Control-M, BMC's industry-leading platform for orchestrating application workflows.

Optimizing data management with BMC AMI Data for IMS

The company reports that the improved BMC AMI Data for IMS is the evolution of BMC solutions for IMS ™. It provides transaction and management of mainframe-optimized IMS data so that companies can improve the availability of essential business services, meet and exceed service level agreements (SLA), and better support the development of agile applications with fewer resources.

“Our customers tell us that they want to innovate and modernize more quickly in their mainframe environments, while increasing business resilience and platform security,” commented John McKenny, SVP and General Manager at ZSolutions at BMC. “The comprehensive set of features offered today by BMC AMI and Compuware allows companies to make considerable progress on all fronts with AI- and ML-enhanced insights that promote smart operations, adaptive cybersecurity and deeper insights into mainframe development. By combining these capabilities with expanded testing capabilities that enhance agile development and delivery, companies can innovate and meet the growing demands for growing digital businesses. ”

Additional resources

  • Get to know what's new in BMC mainframe solutions quickly on here
  • Learn more about the BMC AMI portfolio at
  • Find out what it takes to be an Autonomous Digital Enterprise at

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